
Manoela Gonçalves

Brazilian, 32 years old

Manoela Gonçalves, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, is a multi-disciplinary artist passionate about collaboration, connecting people, and weaving their unique stories into her work. After graduating from Maria Olenewa School from Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, a scholarship was her gateway to London. During her time with the Zurich Ballett as a dancer, she created her first piece with Esther Pérez, Frida, for Young Choreographers, performed at the Zurich Opera House, where she received the Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich (Friends of the Ballet Zurich Award) that same year. 

Last year, Gonçalves created Benteveo for the soloist Alessandro Cavallo, which received international recognition after being performed in Italy. Her work bridges the worlds of dance, film, and music through choreographing music videos for international artists, including Nightbell and Maria for Kerala Dust, in collaboration with artists from the Nederlands Dans Theater, Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal, Bayerisches Staatsballet, Ballett Zürich and many more. As a Director, Gonçalves’s film Lisa was featured at the San Francisco Dance Film Festival and the LA Dance Film Festival in 2021.  

Manoela's dance journey has taken her through European ballet companies, including the Bayerisches Staatsballett in Munich, Leipziger Ballett, and Béjart Ballet in Lausanne, where she currently resides in Switzerland.