

Organised by the Ballet de l'Opéra National de Bordeaux and the CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz as part of the Pôle de Coopération Chorégraphique du Grand Sud-Ouest, with the CCN-Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin, the Competition for Young Ballet Choreographers is a major event in the field of choreography with 5th edition. 

It is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the patronage of Aline Foriel-Destezet, the Caisse des Dépôts and the Fonds de dotation Malandain pour la Danse. 


The public final will take place in 2026 


The competition will be awarded : 

• Two creative residencies, one at the Ballets de l'Opéra National de Bordeaux and the other at the CCN/Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin. These residencies will be followed by performances of the works created.  

• The Biarritz Prize, consisting of a €15,000 grant 

• The €3,000 Fondation de la Danse Audience Prize 

• The €3,000 Professionals' Prize 


As in the first four editions, the jury will be made up of leading figures from the world of academic dance and ballet. 


Bruno Bouché

Artistic Director CCN - Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin

Thierry Malandain

Director and choreographer of the CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz

Eric Quilleré

Director of Dance at the Opéra National de Bordeaux


1st prize: creation and distribution residency
- 2 winners

Each winner will be able to choreograph a 20-minute piece for 10 to 20 dancers during a month-long residency at the Ballet of the Bordeaux National Opera or the CCN-Ballet of the Opéra national du Rhin.

Each Ballet provides between 10 and 20 dancers, a rehearsal studio, the necessary reception staff and takes charge of making the costumes and props and designing the lighting (no scenery... or at least minimal scenery).

Each creation will be presented in Bordeaux and in the official season of the CCN/Ballet l'Opéra national du Rhin (Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar) … with the Ballets and their partners covering the costs of the stage sets and the promotion of the evenings. In each city, the host Ballet can complete the programme.

Prix de Biarritz - 1 winner

The prize of €15,000 will be awarded to the candidate by the grand jury at the final. Thanks to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations.

Professionals' prize - 1 winner

Les critiques de danse et directeurs de théâtre présents lors de la finale voteront pour attribuer à un des finalistes le Prix des professionnels doté de 5 000 € abondé par la Fondation pour la Danse – Thierry Malandain – Académie des beaux-arts.

Public and Fondation pour la Danse Prize - 1 winner

Invited to vote at the end of the competition, spectators at the final on 9 June 2024 will award the choreographer of their choice the "Audience Prize", accompanied by a €3,000 grant. Thanks to the Fondation pour la Danse.

Young Audience Award - Pass Culture

In partnership with Pass Culture*, a jury of 9 young people aged 18-20 will award the €1,000 prize. 


*The Culture Pass is a general interest scheme that gives all young people access to a catalogue of a wide range of cultural offers and venues via a free, geolocated application, as well as a budget of €20 (for 15 year olds), €30 (for 16 and 17 year olds) and €300 (for 18 year olds, valid for two years), to intensify and diversify their cultural and artistic activities. 

With the Culture Pass, young people aged between 15 and 20 can enjoy a wide range of cultural activities on their own: learning more about or taking up an artistic activity, enjoying cultural venues (cinemas, theatres, theatres, museums, etc.), buying cultural goods (books, comics, vinyl, musical instruments, etc.), experiencing new things, or inviting friends to share a cultural discovery (‘duo’ offers). 

3.3 million young people have already benefited from the Culture Pass since its creation. At the same time, a collective section, part of the Artistic and Cultural Education (EAC) policy and the fruit of a close partnership between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Youth, as well as the Ministries of the Sea, the Army and Agriculture, is allocated directly to schools. Each class, from 6e to Terminale, is allocated a credit of 25 euros on average per pupil, intended to finance artistic and cultural education activities carried out in groups and supervised by teachers.